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Shattered Barrier has been reworked, cut down, tightened, thanks to the efforts and insights of my amazing content editor, Ken. It's getting a final read-through and sent off to the press tomorrow.

Work has begun again on Archmage Crusader, and I'm not sure how I feel about The Blademage Saga coming to an end. It has to, it needs to, but it;s starting to make me a little sad. So far, it's been what defines me as an author, for better or worse. I should have the notes from my plot map expanded into the manuscript document by the end of the week, and things should pick up from there. I would love it if my NaNo project this year was editing instead of writing, but I plan on finishing something this year, be it first draft or edits. I may need help keeping on track.

Our Author Interview next week is Amy Stinnett of Waiting Dog Press, another local I have the privilege of spending time with every now and then. Way different genre, but she's gaining a following with books coming out at a fairly regular pace.

In the 'small step backward' category, I have to give a shoutout to Khayman and the rest of the 'Lawful Awful' gang on Neverwinter for dragging me a little deeper into the game. It's fun, and a good break from the day/night jobs.

Still looking for more guests to write posts, check the updated schedule on the connect page for details. Submit post ideas, I'll let you know if they are a good fit, and get them on the calendar.

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