Author Resources
No Cost/Low Cost Tools and Services for Indie Authors
Just because you're not publishing with a big, traditional publishing house does not mean you shouldn't take most of the same steps that the 'professionals' do. That's one of the things that pulls down the credibility of your other independently published brothers and sisters.
Find enough value in your work that you commit the extra time and resources to make it the best possible product for your readers, and yourself. That doesn't mean you have to go crazy. There are plenty of free things out there that just take some time.
The more organized of us, the 'Plotters', will benefit from getting organized before they even start writing any of the story. The links below may help.

Always, ALWAYS have a professional, unrelated editor work on your manuscript. I advise finding a local person if you can.
However, Editminion can help with a lot of issues if used correctly. This can save your paid editor time and you money.
Like it or not, Amazon is the biggest player in the business. KDP Select gets you more exposure and subscription-model revenue potential.
Createspace and Kindle Paperback are both viable Print on Demand options with fairly easy to use user interfaces. They make a similar quality product.

Author Platform
There is no reason in this day and age not to have one. Decent sites:
Blogger - Really easy to use, but limited.
Wix/Weebly - Medium complexity.
Wordpress - Most popular, more complex.
Social Media:
Pick 1-3 Social Media sites that should be most effective for your target audience. Plan how to use them, and be consistent.
Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
Instagram | Youtube
Fresh Eyes
You don't have to do this on your own. No matter who you are, what you're writing, someone will help.
Critique Groups (Treasure Valley)
Author Organizations
Small Business Development Centers
Be cautious. There are a lot of businesses out there that prey on the neediness and vulnerability of neophyte authors. If something sounds fishy, run the other way. Remember, money should always flow toward the artist.