Awards & Recognition
Other Community Involvement

Library Donation
Chris Hollaway pledged 100% of US royalyties on Apprentice Swordceror to the Fruitland Elementary School Library during the 5 days of their Book Fair.
Above: District Superintendent Teresa Febrecious and Principal Jared Olson present as librarian Mary Lee accepts Chris's $1500 donation.

Community Award
Chris and his wife, Carrie were recipients of the Fruitland School District 'Friend of Education' award in 2013.
No, that's not them.

Apprentice Swordceror
Kindle Deal of the Day sometime in 2014.
#1 in Epic Fantasy for about an hour.

Other Fundraisers
Chris has donated to several other places in the community:
$300 - Ada Community Library
$150 - Fruitland High School Library
$50 - Fruitland High School Band

Ongoing Involvement
Chris currently sits on the Payette County Farm Bureau board.
He also volunteers annually with the Micron Foundation to help with the Idaho Regionals of the National Science Bowl.