Author Interview: Richard H. Stephens

Hey, it's Chris. Thanks for being patient between posts, as life has been crazy.
Today I'm interviewing Richard H. Stephens, an indie author from my Booksgosocial Authors group on Facebook.
Chris: How do you come up with the ideas for your stories? Richard: I came up with the idea behind SOUL FORGE at the age of 17. I had quit school and was awaiting the imminent arrival of my first-born child. I was listening to the song, Run to the Hills, by Iron Maiden, and ‘BAM!’ the idea struck me for the originally named fantasy book, The River Styx. Chris: Can't beat that. I'm an indie author too, but have you ever tried traditional publishing? Richard: I tried to land an agent, but got fed up with their lackadaisical attitude toward new clients—their, "I might contact you if I think you are worthy of my time, but then again, I may not, you just have to wait and see," self-righteousness. There is a reason more and more good writers are becoming Indies.
Chris: I've had similar experiences. Really not what I prefer to deal with. What are you working on now? Richard: I am just finishing the final edits for The Wizard of the North.
Chris: What is your most recent/upcoming release? Richard: Book one in the Soul Forge Saga, entitled Soul Forge, is scheduled for release on August 21, 2018. Its sequel, The Wizard of the North, is scheduled for release on September 18, 2018 Chris: That's really close together. Any advice for new, or other authors, who want to be even close to that prolific? Richard: If you want to become a writer, you need to write. You MUST avoid the time wasting, time sucking technological distractions like video games and cell phones. Chris: I struggle with carving out time to write, and with most of the perils you mentioned. I often say 'Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time'. What's your favorite inspirational quote? Richard: 'Reading is a writer’s lecture hall' by an epic fantasy writer. 😉 Chris: What's the best advice you ever got about writing? Richard: Stay away from 3rd person omniscient. Chris: Here are some of the links Richard sent us concerning his work: Amazon Author Page Website Facebook Book trailer (please show it some love on Youtube and give it a like.)😊 Pre-order link. Help me make this fantasy EPIC!
Chris: Any final thoughts today?
Richard: Although I will never claim to be as good as Tolkien, Jordan, Pratchett. Brooks, or Donaldson, I strive to create a memorable fantasy story where the reader will immerse themselves for hours and not want to come back.
Well, there you have it, folks. Let's give Richard's work a good looking over, and see if we can help him keep doing what he's been doing, writing the stories we live to read.